September 06, 2006

c0demonkey's update

Our beloved tag/label cloud is back home courtesy of phydeaux3, so we say goodbye to Ramani's multi-form label selector. It was fun while it lasted, but now it's just kinda over. Of course the ultimate goal here is to just ease the tag cloud into Ramani's code and keep them both around, with everybody playing well together, for a long, long time. Is that so much to ask?

Next, get the tag search output pages back from the inner circle of fug and looking more like our d2b category output used to. Then hook up the post footer with some social bookmarking links.

Figure out why the Blogger Beta Atom feed can't count to 5 (or 4 or 2) when we're trying to use it as a "Recent Posts" widget.


We tried setting the thing to show only two items, then one, and still got three in the preview. But it was working OK day before yesterday, LOL! Feedburner can find a Blogger Beta feed just fine; Blogger Beta can't really seem to find its own with both hands.


Fix the errors that Feed Validator says have cropped up since the move, but it's doubtful that an "onblur" attribute in the description and/content is something we can fix from here. That's a Blogger posting interface, picture uploader thang.


Then wait patiently and quietly for an update to Blogjet or Performancing. Otherwise, we're good to go. We just need you from time to time.

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