January 07, 2007

Vegan Mall Police: Everybody panic!

‘Meat Lady’ is gutting Tarrytown
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First off, we’re dumbfounded that there’s a mall somewhere that’s even trying to keep it cruelty-free. Number two, it’s in a pretty cool town. And thirdly, owner Jeanne Daniels won the 2003 Proggy for Pioneer of the Year! The only downside to Tarrytown Shopping Center is that it’s surrounded on all four sides by Texas.

Would the whining be as loud (or at all) if Jeanne’s commercial tenant’s agreement stated that only businesses selling animal-derived products may lease space? Doubt it. That clause probably appears on the first page of the CCF Galleria agreement.

Here’s an audio clip of this story, read by an annoying CG voice we’re guessing doesn’t belong to columnist John Kelso.

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