January 06, 2007

New year, same "science"

Pigs will replace dogs in terminal procedures labs

What private educational institution rakes in more NIH loot than any other medical school in the country? Why, the same one of only two in the country that still puts dogs to death in a taxpayer-funded effort to teach their students how to keep each other alive.

"It's a shame that an outside group with a philosophical position is resulting in a change in the way that medical education is done," said Gale Davy, executive director of the Wisconsin Association for Biomedical Research and Education.

Yep, it's a shame. Darn those emotional, non-scientist do-gooders. The market selection pickins’ among incarcerated men, indigent women, rural black farmers, US servicemen, and mentally-challenged orphans just ain't what it used to be, is it, Gale?


See that dark spot over the dog’s right eye? The right eye, not the eye on the right side of the head in the picture. Yeah, that one. We paid for that area on the billboard with our very own PCRM 2006 donation!

See that 18–wheeler in the background? If MCW decides to kill juvenile pigs instead of dogs and keep a death-grip on the continuance of terminal procedures labs, we might just fund that diesel demon as the PCRM Multimedia Billboard on Wheels and park it right about here. No static, sad-eyed puppy pictures. Think 80” plasmas mounted on a 48’ flatbed, bloodier, and +/-110 dB. Wee budget be damned.

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