October 01, 2006

World Farm Animals Day, Oct. 2

de mundial de los animales de granja

Some activity hints just to get you started:

Add one book or article to your reading list.
Be a vegan buddy for the day.
Contact your senators and representatives.
Donate to a farm animal sanctuary.
Encourage another person to go vegan for one day.
Foster a rescued farm animal.
Go vegan yourself for one day. Just one out of 365 is a start.
Help distribute literature.
Investigate farm animal cruelty in your area.
Join a World Farm Animals Day event in your area.
Keep informed about farm animal issues.
Learn how to include humane education in your curriculum.
Meet Your Meat.
Network with professionals in your field.
Oust an undesirable legislator.
Peek in on your own for a change. For once.
Question authority.
Read one journal article.
Sponsor a rescued farm animal at a sanctuary.
Type a letter to your local paper’s op/ed section.
Use your multi-million dollar acreage for something worthwhile.
Visit a farm animal sanctuary in your area.
Walk for a farm animal.
Zap your zits the cruelty-free way.

Now how hard was that?

world farm animals day

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