October 10, 2006

Surgery, spare-rib-style

Don't let the Far Eastern location or the translation throw you off. "Porking" is apparently the nearest Taiwanese approximation of "baby pig," and you could paste this clip into any US commercial farrowing operation footage without a visible seam. Except for maybe the part where you got within a mile of the place without a court order taped to your bullet-proof vest, or when you had to switch from the handheld cam to the one that looks just like the face of your watch. But we digress...

When you reach the point in your education where you're introduced to appropriate anesthesia and analgesia agents for surgical sedation and pain relief in animals, remember: it's only unacceptable for AWA-approved species in defined circumstantial roles to actually feel the pain of a knife slicing off their testicles. And in case you were wondering how baby pig came to be, here are a few seconds of agribusiness innovation that'll take you all the way back to the gleam in baby daddy's eye.

Now we could supply you with an embedded (no pun intended) hands-free, electric version of the above, as well. But being as we keep this joint mostly R-rated, you'll have to hit up PornoTube for those money shots. Once again, don't let the location, the $1.89 set decoration budget, or the fact that this time all the participants are consenting, human adults throw you. After all, where do you think they got the equipment?

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