September 17, 2006

Docket-Watch: 8,034 miles to Corcoran


The Animal Legal Defense Fund has filed suit to put an end to the illegal confinement of thousands of pregnant and nursing sows at California’s CorcPork, Inc.


It just keeps getting better. This isn’t CorcPork, Inc.’s first time in the hot-seat, either. And wtf are those big, black spots on that map, anyway? And the long metal structures? Those would be the “barns.” We just figured something out: if you lined up all the crates housing all the units of industrial animal production piglet-making equipment in the US end-to-end, they would stretch from LA to Montreal and back again, with enough miles left over for a road trip to Chicago.


She can never stretch.

Subtract the minute, fractional percentage of breeding sows in the US who don’t “live” like this from the 6,060,000 who do, then just work the 2–step math problem like we did.

One metal container, 22x84 inches
6,060,000 mothers
1 mile=63,360 inches

Our take give on the pending ALDF case:

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