September 18, 2006

And you think your case load is staggering?!

10News SanDiego

10News went to the biggest egg ranch in San Diego County. There are 1 million hens, and they are inspected every month by a vet to make sure they are healthy. Mark Brand is a poultry veterinarian and said he finds it difficult to mask his frustration with protesters.
Geez, Mark--even if you worked 16 hr. shifts 7 days a week you'd still have 171 cases an hour. Every hour. For a year. This is pretty much the point at which industrial animal production's wholly self-determined governance of "health and welfare" just becomes laughable. But far be it from us to conclude that Mark's frustrations are the ones that just don't fly.


Humane Society of the United States
United Poultry Concerns

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