July 29, 2006

Blogathon 2006 is winding down!

16+ hours into the 24–hour Blogathon 2006 and those participating for farm animal-related charities, sanctuaries, and rescue organizations could use your help. Please visit these blogs and pledge to sponsor soon. Blogathon started at 6AM PDT today—the clock is ticking!

Blogging for Birds 2006
Top fundraiser! Go Heather!
Blogging for:


Eastern Shore Sanctuary and Education Center

Eastern Shore is the only farm animal sanctuary in the US that rescues and rehabilitates roosters previously used for cockfighting. And they succeed.

Blogging for:


Compassion in World Farming

Founded by dairy farmer Peter Roberts in 1967, CIWF operates internationally to advance the welfare of animals used for food through cruelty investigations, legislative and public policy initiatives, and campaign activism. CIWF leads the European Coalition for Farm Animals, consisting of 30 animal welfare groups in 25 different countries, and on a worldwide level CIWF co-ordinates its campaigns with over 150 other groups.

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