8 True Things is going around and we got tagged by Jennifer over at the AnimalBlawg, so here are our collective eight (PFW gets 3, Manny gets 2, TowerPrincess gets 2, and c0demonkey gets 1). First, a little ruleskeeping:
- We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
- Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
- People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
- At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
1. I detest olives but treat olive oil as a one of the major food groups.
2. I am terrified of lizards. Not snakes, which I think are amazing but would never keep a companion snake, but lizards freak me out. I equate iguanas with Jurassic Park.
3. I love Los Angeles, most anything and everything about it, and don’t even find the massive freeway jams very unpleasant. To me LA says “people are going somewhere; follow them.”* Manny *
1. Manny is a really good cook. If we post a recipe for something it probably came from him, via his Mom, which he veganized for us. The whole arroz con gandules thing—100% Manny.
* The TowerPrincess *
1. Actually understands most everything Gary Francione says from start to finish without the aid of a cheat sheet.
* c0demonkey *
1 and only 1. “On vacation” is a euphemism in some cultures. monkey is spending his at Twin Towers. Handle ur bidness next time, b0y.
- Animal Place
- Peaceful Prairie
- Animal Ethics
- Animal Law Blog
- Hackosphere
- phydeaux3
- VegBlogs
- Wayne Pacelle (TTP says it is so not stalking and he actually has bodyguards for that sort of thing anyways.)
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