May 25, 2007

Are We There Yet?

AP Video Essay: Pig Rescue Mission

Traveling with kids is not for the weak-willed. They wake you up at the butt-crack of dawn, the want stuff every time you pull over for gas, they won’t go to sleep, then they pee on you when you finally get to go to sleep.

God bless Annette Fisher and her Happy Trails Farm Sanctuary crew for hauling 10 hogs from OH to CA, through a tornado, blowing rain, lightening, hail, wildfires, and snow, all the way to their new home. You have to read this whole Pigs Across America travelogue, it’s amazing!

LavenderHere’s Annette beside another trailer, parked at the truck plaza on I-80 near Reno, where the Happy Trails gang had stopped to rest their own precious cargo. If you don’t look at any other postcards from the road or read any other updates from the adventure, just read this one and remember it because it’s Memorial Day weekend.

Dear Montel, Rusty, Chloe, Pearl, baby Anastasia, Milton, Mario, Sergai, Morris, and Kinko,


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