January 17, 2007

Wiles Farm Prosecutor Files Charges

WKYC Evening News anchors acknowledge the worldwide reaction to their story in this follow-up report and interview with Special Prosecutor Frank Forchione. More than 30,000 viewers have seen the story that aired in November as a result of investigative efforts by the Humane Farming Association.

Owner Ken Wiles faces arraignment on two second-degree misdemeanor charges of animal cruelty later this month. His son, Joe Wiles, is charged with six misdemeanor counts and Wiles employee Dusty Stroud, previously seen mugging for the camera as a helpless sow is strangled by hanging, will face two counts as well. Jail time is a possibility if they are convicted, 150 90 days per misdemeanor, as well as fines of $750 per count and the mandatory surrender of the remaining animals housed at the facility.

Do the sentencing guidelines seem like paltry, cost-of-doing-business annoyances to you? We think so, too. Felony indictments and convictions for cruelty in industrial animal production facilities are far too few. The value of an innocent life, spared by the selfless acts of one brave person, is a price above rubies.

a price above rubies

We’ll keep you apprised of developments in the Wiles Farm case as they unfold.

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