August 19, 2006

Greener grass


We took inventory after the move and,
  • our only-when-you-needed-it nav bar is now permanently out on front street,
  • Beta Blogger sends posts from our favorite 3rd-party blogging tool into the big sphere of nowhere yet never returns an error message. Note the time in the Blogjet Recent Posts list below as fetched from the Blogger servers, then the time on this do-over in the Blogger posting interface, which reeks just as much tomorrow as it did the first time we tried it...)

  • and Lawd have mercy the tightest template hack there is was for Blogger categories has gone down faster than Colin Farrell’s last date.

Yup, PFW traded the true beauty of what really works like a dream for just a quick peek at something shiny and new and “better.” Ultimately turned out to be 10 minutes of Blogpress-ville and 3 rounds of virgin mojitos. Damn those marketing gurus. We feel so used and dirty. phydeaux3 promises to make some of it all better and take away the pain soon, really soon. Meanwhile we’re holed up at the HQ just cleaning skull blood off the brick wall.

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