July 03, 2006

An oasis in central CA


John Harris will receive the award as California’s Agriculturalist of the Year for 2006 on Aug. 4 at the CA State Fair Gala. Harris owns and operates the Harris Ranch Inn and Restaurant, where guests of the 153–room establishment are afforded expansive and manicured courtyards, a sparkling 25–meter Olympic pool, and elegant dining. Harris Ranch Inn and Restaurant serves approximately 2,000 meals every day, featuring the guests of its other enterprise, the Harris Ranch Feeding Co., better known to most of us as 120,000 cows from space.


The one-year-old bovine guests of HFC’s I-5 feedlot enjoy the congenial company of their kind in dirt and manure-covered lots, surrounded by swarms of flies, and baking, central Valley heat as they jostle for a spot at the 120–day, all-you-can-eat buffet. How big is the buffet? Take 110 rail-car shuttle loads of grain and multiply by 200. Multiply the result by 12 and you’ve finished the grocery list for one year.

Hint: 94% of all the soybean meal produced in the US is used as a feed ingredient for slaughter-bound livestock and poultry. Clue: obesity and dietary-related illnesses are epidemic.


Declare your independence tomorrow.

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