April 03, 2006

No one can hear you scream

Well, that’s not exactly true. PFW can hear your screams, little one, from several hundred yards away and even if you’re quite small. Chilling enough to make us literally come running to find you trapped in the broken fencing of your pen, battered and bleeding.


Do you recognize this little pygmy goat? Was s/he once yours, or your child’s pet? If you “donated” your little goat to the Los Angeles Pierce College farm in the hope that your pet would live out a quiet and peaceful life, or you were contacted by someone soliciting an animal for “educational donation,” please email us at any of the Pierce Farm Watch contact addresses.

We’ll do everything in our power to remove the one you once cared for from this situation and secure its safety in a loving home or sanctuary, for surely this is not what you intended or expected. Your little one is now confined in an area on the Los Angeles Pierce College farm that is soil and surface-contaminated with disease-causing bacteria that can be slowly and silently debilitating, even deadly. To then be left unobserved for all but a few minutes a day, trapped and injured, couldn’t possibly be what you envisioned.

Please contact us if you know the identity or origin of this little goat. There’s still time today, but tomorrow may be too late.

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