March 05, 2006

Phone Home

Dear Charles (or friend of Charles who’s been calling),
PFW found your LG camera phone. We dropped it off at the Cingular shelter on Topanga. They’ll take good care of it until you come to take it home.

These two can’t ever phone home. They’ve disappeared from the property. Calls to 16 farm animal shelters from Maine to south of the O.C. turned up nothing promising, as did the two veterinary hospitals within a 40 mi. radius that are ready, willing and able to provide care and comfort to not-horses.

Rather than dwell on the sadly deteriorated state they were in when we last caught up with them, we’d prefer you remember them as they once were.


Back when somebody temporarily gave a damn about them.


This frightened girl (above on the left) has taken their place.


And nothing ever really changes.


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