February 09, 2006

Turn that frown upside down

Late last evening PFW received our first request of the season to do what we do almost best: digging and rooting. Apparently, via judicious review of volumes of government wonk-ese and terabytes of published policy declarations, comes word that the USDA "frowns upon" surface water in pig wallows. Hmm...

We've read some bizarro position statements from the 4-letter acronym feds before, like 28-hour law transport loopholes and how hip-pocket, horse meat trade lobbyists can beat up your Congress, but wallow-water prohibition roused our interest enough to shift weight to the other white meat hoof.

Wipe the smile off Dr. McGlone’s face and let him know the USDA "frowns upon" the practices and conclusions of his research group. And for pete's sake, stop publishing those pig wallow management papers for all the young, impressionable world to see. It's just a fool-hardy attempt to glamorize blatant disregard of USDA policy with a lot of big words and statistics and stuff. Los Angeles Pierce College knows better, so don't fall for the pseudo-scientific ramblings of fringe elements in academia.

Spare a minute to let the USDA itself know that by partially funding SARE and ATTRA programs that condone managed wallows for pigs, it's disregarding its own directives and should cease inspecting facilities that process thousands of pounds of wallow-water tainted pork butts year after exponential growth year.


Now stop loitering in this heat and go back to class. PFW is sweatin’ like a pig out here.

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